Nestle MatchMakers – Cool Mint

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So here we are on the classics road. I’m not sure what it is but Matchmakers always make me think of Christmas. Maybe I tend to only notice them at Christmas or because people buy them for me at the festive time of year – I’m not sure.

I always go for the mint flavour, none of the “grown up orange” flavour (It’s my mom’s favourite) and this new age “hipster honeycomb” flavour for me.

As soon as you unwrap the cellophane the smell of mint fills the air, it’s delightful. I find Matchmakers very satisfying to eat. They have that added excitement of the sliding box with the keep fresh squishy paper over the top and not one but TWO compartments of chocolate joy!

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I love the snap of a Matchmaker, whether you are a, snap with biting or a snap with your fingers kind of person, you know exactly what I mean! The chocolate and mint mix is a great match (get it) made by the chocolate gods and is one of my favourites.

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The coolness of the mint mixed with the solidness of the chocolate is just what you need as an after dinner treat. Mint settles your stomach, fine maybe not mixed with chocolate, but it is the perfect 2 in 1. You have dessert  and you feel less full. Don’t get me wrong you can have them any time of day you want. If I  had a serious addiction  I could argue that having some in the morning  counts as freshening your breath after breakfast – no I haven’t done that…… Ok maybe once, but I actually think they are best eaten, box in hand, on the sofa watching junk TV shows.

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I would definitely recommend these for all the mint and chocolate mix fanatics!

Over all rating – a snappy 3.5/5 (only because it isn’t a everyday treat)

Why not tell me your favourite Matchmaker moment or try to win me over on the other flavours, if you aren’t a big mint fan.

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